+1 (671) 637-2020 | Location: Baltej Pavilion in Tamuning (2nd Floor)

Make an Appointment

Please fill out the form below to request an appointment and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Here at Island Eye Institute, we  also greatly value your feedback, so please feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, or suggestions. Thank you.

    Name (required)

    Email (required)

    Phone (required)


    Message (required)

    Patient Forms

    For your convenience, please download, print and complete the appropriate forms below and bring them with you to your appointment.

    Contact Us

    Phone: 671.637.2020
    Fax: 671-647-5385
    Email: info@islandeyeguam.com
    Make an appointment online
    Follow us on Facebook


    Island Eye Institute
    Baltej Pavilion (2nd Floor),
    415 Chalan San Antonio, Suite 214,
    Tamuning, GU 96913


    Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm

    Saturday: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm